jueves, 16 de agosto de 2012

vocabulary on water...
reading science articles helps you learnabout the world youlive in. read about the three states of water.

water is an important liquid. water about 70 percent of the earth's surface. your body is about two-thirds water. when water is in iyts liquid state, you can pour it. As a liquid, water takes the shape of its container. the water in the picture above takes the shape of the glass. when water gest very cold, it freezes. it changes from a liquid to a solid. the freezing point of water is 0°c (32°f). ce and snow are solid forms of water.
when water gest very hot, it boils. then it changes from a liquid to a gas. this gas is called water vapor or steam. the boiling point of water is 100° (212°f).
1.water is an important liquid
2.water conver  about 70 percent of the earth's surface
3.your body is about two-thirds water
4.when water is in its liquid state, you can pour it.
5.when water gets very cold, it freezes.
6.it changers from a liquid to a solid 
7.ice and snow are soild froms of water 
8.when water gets very hot, it boils 
9.when water boils, it changes from  a liquid to a gas
10.this gas is called water vapor or steam.
por. maria juliana zafra 

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